North Dakota Farmers Market and Growers Association

Join or Renew your membership Today!

Promote locally grown products

Provide healthy choices

Improve marketing skills

Connect people  & communities

Become a member

Use the button above to access the form for renewing or joining the NDFMGA.

It is important for our records that we have complete contact information for both markets and vendors

for newsletters and referrals. Thank you! Check here for more resources and information.

NDFMGA is proud to announce that we have grants available again for 2025.

There is only one grant allowed per family or business.

Go to the Grants webpage for more details.

NDFMGA Mission

Educating and connecting North Dakota farmers markets, growers, producers, and customers.

NDFMGA Purpose

  • Build a farmers market program that connects producers and customers, 
  • Develop marketing tools and strategies for producers and market managers to ensure long-term sustainability of rural North Dakota, and
  • Increase consumer and producer awareness of the benefits of fresh, locally grown products and to make them available to customers.
  • Tables of fresh produce for sale

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  • jellies for sale at farmers market

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  • little boy smiling at farmers market

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  • Production and sale of home grown produce and baked good

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  • pies for sale at farmers market

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  • dave's organic vegetables booth

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  • jellies available at the farmers market

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  • fresh garlic

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  • homemade breads

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